
I've got something fun for everyone out there^^
Now i'm very sure all of you heard about tongue twisters before.So...why don't you guys try them.It really helps with your english especially the pronunciations.Trust me cos i've been doing them since primary school and what's more amusing is that they're still very fun especially if you do it with your family and friends.Here are some that i managed to get:

1) She sees cheese.
2) I slit a sheet. A sheet I slit. Upon the slitted sheet, I sit!
3) Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.
4) She sells sea shells on the sea shore, the shells she sells are sea shells I'm sure. 5) Betty Butter bought some butter but the butter that Betty Butter bought was bitter, so Betty Butter bought some butter better than the bitter that Betty Butter bought.

The 5th one is actually the version that i've heard. Oh and make sure you pronounce them the correct way(eg: 'that' doesn't become 'dat') or else, you're not making any progress then. You can look for more tongue twisters on the internet.
Try them!!

Hope you guys will enjoy & have fun twisting your tongues!


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