
How are the biotechnos doing?
Sorry for not updating this blog for soooo long.We've been busy..right??
Actually there were some problems with the internet connections, so i was unable to update this lovely blog of ours.

I've got a few reminders from our President :
1) Make sure you guys did enough revision.
2) Make sure you guys know the date, time & venue for the exam correctly.
3) Make sure you guys bring along your exam slips & matric cards for the exams.
Urm...what else....sorry Mr. President..I forgot..hehe

Common biotechnos!! Let's show everyone that we are not just the coOl, funky and happening crowd, but we're also 'd' intellectuals and strive hard for our finals!

Huh..what a relief to say that out..I've been wanting to say that for weeks now~haha

Lastly, wish you guys all the best for the finals and GOOD LUCK!!!
Everyone hwaiting!!^^ Gambate!!

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