
The Biotech Representative Committee will carry out an election on Tuesday, 21st July 2009 to recruit a new committee line-up. Students are encouraged to elect those who are capable and are willing to do the work given. Feel free to nominate your friends or even yourself.

The purposes of this election are as follows:

1) The 081 and 082 batch are separated in different classes for this new semester, and 081 are now combined with 072 batch again. New committees from the 072 batch is needed.

2) To produce good quality leaders among the Biotechnology students.

3) To give everyone an opportunity to do something for our class.

Everybody are allowed to freely choose and nominate the candidates that they think are suitable for the available posts. The posts will be distributed on paper during the election day.

The current committee line-up hope that all the students will be ready and choose wisely.

Thank You

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