"The Cabinet has decided that students who started studying Mathematics and Science in English can continue to do so until the end of their secondary education."
-The Star, August 10 2009

If they had to go through all this, then why bother to start??
It's becoming an issue that burdens all sides...Even i'm getting tired of hearing about it..

Pity those in rural areas especially because if they're taught in English, most of them will fail, but on the other hand, those in the cities had to turn back to the mother tongue when they are used to learning in English, and also had fun learning it. So...thinking about it makes me stuck in the middle..
Yesterday i even heard my little brother saying, 'oh no...we have to learn in BM again...no...'
Yup..that was the exact same words he said..
Hehe..imagine that coming from an eleven years old..i was thinking maybe he was really having fun learning in English.

Maybe the government should really go back to basics, like teaching in English should be from a very young age when they can absorb the knowledge, not when they're used to it.

All in all, that's just my point of view..what do you think??

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