Visitors and Friends

Dear academic staff and students, Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Please take note of the important dates for the online Student Feedback Survey (SFS) for Semester 1 Session 2010-2011 as shown below:

Initial run: 16 - 29 August 2010 (Week 6 - Week 7)

Second run: 6 - 26 October 2010 (Week 12 - Week 14)


1. The results of the initial run will be made available in Week� 8 (30th Aug - 5th Sept). However, these results will not be considered as the official SFS score.

2. The results of the second run are the official SFS scores and will be made available after the last day to submit student grades through the online CAM/Results Entry System.

3. In the initial run, students complete Part A (Lecturer) only. In the second run, students complete Part A (Lecturer) and Part B (Course).

The online SFS can be accessed at To login use your matric number as userid and pin number as password. Please complete the SFS honestly. The SFS can be used to improve the teaching and learning in IIUM. For enquiries, please e-mail Br. Azlan Mohamed Zain at or Br. Azlan Abdul Aziz at

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