we hope u guys enjoy with Raya Gathering Biotech 081, 082 & 072 2010 on 5th October 2010. there was so much fun with all those games, and your support we really appreciate it.

thanks to whom sponsored all the things during this gathering~
thanks to catering for delicious food on that night!

also congratulation to Mr. Riang, Mohd. Shauqi & Mrs. Ria, Muliati Awatif.

Mr. Riang goes to Mohd. shauqi
Mrs. Ria, Muliati Awatif. congrates!

thanks for the sponsorship,biotech students for your support and all committees for your hardwork. hope we will meet again in Raya gathering Biotech 2011.

biotechnos girls.....
comittee members.......

p/s:credit to Uzairi and Syafiqah Nabilah for all beautiful pictures.

nice pic!

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