the last entry was 27th October 2010 regarding final exam schedule. almost 1 year ago. I'm sorry because I didn't update the blog after that since the next sem later we'd divided into our concentration. so right know we've food, environment and marine biotech. each concentration have their own challenges, and we hope all of u can do well in your's concentration until grad next year. (tinggal setahun je lagi?)

the internship also had successfully done on May until early July (10 weeks). a lot of memorable experiences at the internship company/organization. to the juniors, we advice you to see lecturers before submit your resume to the department. because they know better about company or institute for internship value. nanti awak tercampak kat mana-mana tempat yang awak semua tak tahu susah pula nanti. tak pun tanya seniors pun boleh. =)

owh, before that I want to wish Salam Ramadhan to all biotech students. hopefully our Ramadhan this year will bring great experience to our lives.

p/s: maaf, saya merapu.

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