Have U ever HearD of GooGle CalendaR and GooGle DoCuMenTs? If U have and already applying them, then, that is good news, because we need someone expert to teach us on improving our knowledge bout it.

And if u never heard about it before, cheer up, because we are here to lead u...
FirSt of All, u are required to have a google account, or in simple word "gmail".
click the link here to create ur new gmail.

Next, sign in ur gmail, then find google calendar.
(usually at the right top of ur page)
click it, n ur calendar wil pop out.
Next, find "other calendar" and search for "add friend's calendar"
Add us to ur calendar list by inserting our google mail
>>>> biotech08x@gmail.com<<<< id="gwProxy" type="hidden">

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